Welcome to Hooe

Serving the people of Hooe Village

The website is currently under construction

Hooe Parish Council’s

Commitment to the Residents of Hooe

Hooe Parish Council will serve the local community through the application of good governance, accountability and transparency through the decisions and the actions it takes.

Hooe Parish Council will:

  • Value the opinion of the local community and engage with the local community to develop a business plan for the short and long term interests of the village.

  • Maximise the use of the facilities available to the local community, apply for grants where available to improve the infrastructure of the village, and to hold events to bring the local community together.

  • Promote the historic and visual surroundings of the village, including planting of flowers, plants and trees in the village, developing a biodiversity policy for the management of the parish council’s green spaces.

  • Apply good financial management, maximise the income on the parish assets in a responsible way, to set the council tax (precept) at an acceptable level for the administration of the Parish Council, providing transparent budgetary information and to follow the reporting procedures as laid down by law.

  • A planning application has been received from Wealden District Council Planning department for observation by the Parish Council for: Application No.     WD/2020/1204/PO Application Type:  Full Expiry date for comments: 29th August 2024 Grid Reference:   567742 109909 Case Officer:         Miss C . Body Location:              Olive Farm, Hooe, TN33 9HD Description:        […]